A User's Guide to Getting Started With Atlantis

This page acts as an introduction to Atlantis from the perspective of a user of Atlantis: a developer looking to deploy applications. It is not intended as a guide for a developer working to improve Atlantis, though it may be a helpful overview of some of its features.


This guide will help you understand the workflow to deploy a new application through Atlantis. This guide is focused on the usage of the Atlantis Dashboard, a GUI-based application. If you prefer to use the command line, the atlantis-manager binary can also be used; see its help for more information.

  1. Set up your app and TOML-formatted manifest in Github.
  2. Register your app in Atlantis.
  3. Specify the dependencies and routing for the deployment environment.
  4. Build and deploy the app.


Log into the Atlantis Dashboard on the default https port of the manager.

A superuser must give a team permissions for an application if LDAP permissions are enabled. At that point, any team member can register and work with the application.

We assume that you have prepared a manifest using TOML (manifest.toml), which must contain the following fields that you will use when registering and deploying your app:

For example:

     name = "hello-go"
     description = "Hello World Go Server"
     internal = true
     image = "precise64"
     app_type = "go1.3"
     run_commands = [ "./hello" ]
     dependencies = [ "cmk" ]
     cpu_shares = 5
     memory_limit = 128

Register your App

You only need to register your app once.

To register an Atlantis app, select Register > Apps menu item in the Atlantis Dashboard.

Click the Register radio button if you are registering your app for the first time, or the Update radio button if you are updating your app's registration information.

Specify the following information, ensuring it matches the information contained in the app's manifest.toml file:

To register a non-Atlantis app, select the Non-Atlantis checkbox and specify:

If you would like to specify dependencies on other apps, you can specify such information in the Request Dependency section. See below for more information.

Click Perform Action.


Requesting Dependencies

To request dependencies on applications, begin by specifying those dependencies in the manifest.toml file submitted to Github with your application. In the following example, an external application called hello-proxy-go depends on an internal application called hello-go:

     name = "hello-proxy-go"
     description = "A proxy for the Hello World Go Server"
     internal = false
     image = "precise64"
     app_type = "go1.2"
     run_commands = [ "./hello-proxy" ]
     dependencies = [ "hello-go" ]
     cpu_shares = 5
     memory_limit = 128

To request a dependency when registering your app, select Register > Apps menu item in the Atlantis Dashboard. In the Request Dependency section, specify the following information:

Click Perform Action. An email request is sent to the owner email address of the app you specified in the Dependency field. Once approved, parameters are displayed on the app registration page indicating the dependency is allowed. You must request a dependency in each region and for each environment.

Select Manage > Environments menu item in the Atlantis Dashboard. The Resolve Dependencies section provides you with the address information for the dependencies you specify. Specify the following:

The Resolved Dependencies text area provides you with the address information for the specified environment. For example:

        Resolved Dependencies for Environment 'us-east-1a':
          "hello-go" {
            "address": "internal-router.a.us-east-1.atlantis.example.com:49156"

Setting up a non-Atlantis Dependency

Go to the manager and select Register > Apps. In App Registration select Register and check Non-Atlantis. Enter the application name and an owner e-mail for dependency requests.

Once the app is registered, configure its information. In App Environments select Add to specify the information for your app in the appropriate environments. The convention for a simple hostname is to use a single "address field" containing the URL of the service:

"address": "http://app-load-balancer.us-east-1.example.com:8081/"

Other fields may be added as needed.

Fields can also be added on a per-application basis using the App Depender Environments section. For example, database credentials should be per-application.

Note also that when you click a link to approve a dependency, you'll be brought back to this page, so it often makes sense to fill in dependency information as needed.

Dependency Examples: vstreams and helios

Consider the example of blog , entry-server , and database . Let's say that blog is an external app deployed on Atlantis owned by the frontend team, entry-server is an internal app deployed on Atlantis owned by the backend team, and database is not deployed on Atlantis but is a dependency that is required by some Atlantis apps (owned by the DBA). blog depends on entry-server while entry-server depends on database . In order for this to work, database will be registered as a Non-Atlantis app.Here is how entry-server's database dependency will work:

  1. DBA will register the database Non-Atlantis app
  2. DBA will update the database environments to add the Host/Port/IP data
  3. Backend will register the entry-server internal Atlantis app
  4. Backend will request DBA to add entry-server as a database depender for the environments staging and prod
  5. DBA will update database dependers to add entry-server
  6. DBA will update database entry-server app information to add staging and prod as allowed environments.
  7. DBA will will update database's entry-server app information to add the username/password he created for entry-server.
  8. Backend will now be able to deploy entry-server in both staging and prod while depending on database.

And here is now blog's entry-server dependency will work:

  1. Backend has already registered entry-server as an internal Atlantis App
  2. Frontend will register the blog external Atlantis app
  3. Frontend will request Backend to add blog as a entry-server depender for the environments staging and prod
  4. Backend will update entry-server's dependers to add blog
  5. Backend will update entry-server's blog app information to add staging and prod as allowed environments.
  6. Backend does not have to add any further information because Atlantis will autofill everything that is needed.
  7. Frontend will now be able to deploy blog in both staging and prod while depending on entry-server.

Specifying Routing

There are separate routers for internal and external apps, and the default routing for each is significantly different. You will normally specify the router configuration after you have deployed your app. This is typically the case when the routing defaults do not serve your purposes.

Internal and external apps run on the same supervisors. The routers may be in separate security groups, and internal applications do not normally communicate with the external router. Internal apps are used by other applications (not by people), and are assigned a unique port for each application/environment pair, by default in the 49000 range. This port is configured to point to the application's trie (application.environment) when the application is first deployed in the environment, and will not change unless one of the two is deleted (tearing down all containers is not sufficient; as long as the application and environment are still registered, the port will stay constant). This is normally the only routing necessary for internal applications, and no manual configuration is required.

For an internal application, typically no specific configuration is required. Once the app is deployed in a specific environment, that app/env will be assigned a port that will not change as long as the app and environment exist. Even if all instances are torn down, the port will be retained as long as the app and environment are registered.

External applications, on the other hand, are not automatically routed and must be configured manually. Atlantis's assumption is that the application will be available on port 80, with some application specific-routing (e.g., send www.example.com/blog to the blog app).

Select the Manage > Router menu item in the Atlantis Dashboard. The Router Config Management page appears, giving you tabs to configure routing for either an external or internal app.

One useful feature of Atlantis is to have multiple versions of an application running in production, with selection criteria to select which version to send a particular request to.

Routing Internal Requests

To configure the routing for an internal app, specify the ports, tries, and rules. The Ports area lets you to specify the port and root trie, the Tries area lets you to specify which existing rules to use with the root trie, and the Rules area lets you create new rules:

Specifying the Port

The Ports area provides you with a drop down list from which you can select a port. Once you have specified a port, you can test it by appending the specified port to the internal router URL. For example, if you specified port 49156, browse to http://internal-router.us-east-1.atlantis.example.com:49156 to check whether it is running on that port.

To see routing diagnostics, specify 8080/<port>. For example, http://internal-router.us-east-1.atlantis.example.com:8080/49156/ displays the port number, trie, rules, and pools for your application.

To view all the containers on the router, specify 8080/statusz. For example, http://internal-router.us-east-1.atlantis.example.com/:8080/statusz/ .

Select the Root Trie in the drop down list. In the ports section, select by port (not by name). In this case, select port 80 to see that it maps to the root trie.

Specifying Tries

Select the trie matching the Root Trie in the Ports area. The trie contains rules that have been previously created, and indicates the pool for your app version (specified by the SHA). You can add more rules to the trie by clicking the + icon and selecting from the drop down list. For example, if you deploy another instance of your app with a different SHA to the environment you can specify that instance as one of the rules. In this example, if the first container is torn down, the trie will ensure that the next app version will be used.

Creating Rules

Rules can match on various criteria:

For example, port 80 on an external router may map to a "root" trie; one rule on the root trie might send requests on the host "api.example.com" to the "api-host" trie. This trie could then send requests with the prefix "/blog/ to the blog.production trie (among other rules).

To create a new rule, specify the following information in the Rules area:

Rule Name: Specify the name in the text box to the right of New rule.

Type: Specifies how matching will be performed: Host, Header, Path prefix, Path suffix, Path regexp, Percentage, Static, Multi-Host . For example, if you select Percentage , you could specify that 10% of traffic is to be sent to the container selected from Send to pool.

Hostname: Specify the host name from the drop down if you specified a Type of Host .

Continue to trie : Specifies the next trie.

Once you have specified the information for the new rule, click Create Rule. The new rule becomes available in the Tries drop down menu for adding rules.

Routing External Requests

An external request may go through various steps before hitting Atlantis - a CDN such as Akamai, SSL termination via nginx, or a load-balancer like Haproxy. These steps are independent of Atlantis; we assume that a request somehow gets to Atlantis, and examine how it is routed once it hits the external router.

Routing by hostname

This is the most common case - you want to route myapplication.example.com (or a variant) to point at your application. This takes two steps: creating a rule to route to your application, and adding it to the "root" trie. This assumes you have a root trie is configured to route requests on port 80, so requests coming into Atlantis with the standard configuration will go to this trie.

Creating the rule

Log into the manager, and go to Manage->Router. Select the "Internal" or "External" tab to match your application. In the third box, "Rules":

Adding the rule to the root/port-80 trie

Warning: In the standard configuration, this trie routes most top-level domains routed through Atlantis. Ideally, we'd have permissions on this so that you can't accidentally break other team's rules, but that's not currently the case. Be careful, but as long as you don't click randomly around the page, you should be fine.

On the same page (Manage Router), in the "Tries" box:

And you're done. Please note that no changes are saved until you explicitly save them; if you did something wrong, you can just reload the page and your changes will be reverted. But again, if you do save changes that you think may be incorrect, please contact appsplat-oncall immediately.

To check that this works, you can follow some of the relevant steps from Troubleshooting Deployed Atlantis Containers, specifically,

    curl -H 'Host: myapplication.example.com' [router]/path

To test routing to your appllication, and

    curl -H 'Host: myapplication.example.com' [router]:8080/80/path

To see how routing works for your hostname on port 80.

Getting the CNAME

Once your application responds on the router, you need to get a CNAME that directs the hostname to the appropriate source, whether the Atlantis routers, haproxy, or Akamai. This is outside the scope of Atlantis, though we do have some support for Route53 which could be extended to handle this case.

Routing by hostname and path

Some hosts are shared among multiple services; e.g., www.example.com/blog might go to the blog, while the rest of www.example.com should goes to web-primary. To handle this, create a new trie for the host (e.g., www-host.production) that matches the hostname. Create a rule that matches the hostname as above, but instead of pointing at the app directly, point to this intermediate trie. Then, create an an additional rule matching a path prefix, and point that rule at the app/env trie. Finally, add the path prefix rule to the host trie, and test as above.

Routing by port

There may be cases where it makes sense to use a port rather than hostname, similar to routing for internal apps. In this case, you can simply direct a port to the automatically-created trie for you app/environment. To do so, log into the manager, and go to Manage->Router. In the top box, "Ports", type in your port number, select the trie for your app/environment, and click "Create Port". This can be any port, though we recommend avoiding high-numbered ports, since they may conflict with randomly-chosen ports used for outgoing connections. Any port under 10,000 should be safe.

Debugging routing issues

Once you have your rules and trie configured, you can test your application to see if you hit the new version. Atlantis also provides basic troubleshooting; if you go to port 8080 on the router, you can append a port number to get information on how the request passes through tries and rules. This is particularly useful with the -H option of curl to set the host header:

$ curl -H 'Host: www.example.com' router.us-east-1.atlantis.example.com:8080/80/blog
port 80
trie root
rule api-host F

rule www-host T
trie www-host.production
rule blog-production F
rule primary-production F

This shows that a request to www.example.com/unknown-path (port 80 is the default) doesn't match the api-host rule but does match www-host, so goes to the www-host.production trie. Then all remaining rules fail, resulting in a 502.

On further examination, the blog rule requires a trailing slash:

$ curl -H 'Host: www.example.com' router.us-east-1.atlantis.example.com:8080/80/blog
port 80
trie root
rule api-host F
rule www-host T
trie www-host.production
rule blog-production T
trie blog.production
rule static-blog-cdcd439280c8f5ff3451ec6ace19342e1330c01b-production T
pool blog-cdcd439280c8f5ff3451ec6ace19342e1330c01b-production

Here the blog rule matches, going to the blog.production trie, which has a single static rule going to the current version of the app.


When you deploy an app:

  1. Manager tells Builder (Jenkins) to build your container.
  2. Manager reads your manifest.
  3. Manager validates your deploy by ensuring dependencies exist in your environment.
  4. Manager chooses which Supervisors to deploy to.
  5. Manager deploys to Supervisors (one by one).
  6. Manager adds the newly deployed containers to the app+sha+env Router Pool.
  7. If your app is an internal app, Manager creates DNS entries to point to the internal routers.

To deploy your app select the Deploy menu item in the Atlantis Dashboard.

Specify the following information, ensuring it matches the information contained in the app's manifest.toml file:

Click the Deploy button. You will see a confirmation message indicating that a Jenkins Build for the Docker image is being triggered.

When the build is finished a More Details link appears. Click that link to see additional details, including:

Click the Status menu item in the Atlantis Dashboard. You can find information about your deployed application by searching for its container ID. The entry for your container includes a link to the host.

You will normally need to specify the router configuration after you have deployed your app. This is typically the case when the routing defaults do not serve your purposes. For more information see Specifying Routing.

Tear Down

To tear down an app deployment, select the Deploy menu item in the Atlantis Dashboard. In the Teardown area, check the Sha, Env, and Container boxes as appropriate, and specify the corresponding fields that occur in the drop down menus to the right. For example, to tear down the hello-go app, specify:

Click the Teardown button. A verification message appears with a Teardown ID. You can confirm this by selecting the Status menu item in the Atlantis Dashboard and searching for the SHA. You can then return to the Router Config Management page (select the Manage > Router menu item in the Atlantis Dashboard). The Tries section will no longer have the rule specifying that app version. You can then adjust the Tries and Rules sections accordingly.

Once you have finished tearing down your app:

  1. Manager chooses what containers to tear down based on the parameters.
  2. Manager tells the Supervisor to kill the containers.
  3. Manager removes the containers from the app+sha+env Router Pool
  4. If your app is an internal app and that app+env is no longer deployed (any sha), Manager deletes the DNS entries that point to the internal routers.

Troubleshooting Deployed Application Containers

A guide to averting tragedy in two acts

This guide is will help you figure out why your deployed Atlantis container isn't working. It's split into two acts, which share several components, who will be presented first. It assumes that you generally understand Atlantis, and have the command line client installed.

Without further ado:

Cast of players (components), in rough order of appearance:

Act 1: Internal Applications


The request flow for an internal application is simple:

Container <- Internal Router <- Client

The container

To check if the Container is running, you can try curling it directly. Use `atlantis get-container
[container id]` or the UI to get the host and port of the container. You can make requests directly against
the container; if they seem to be working, continue to troubleshooting the Internal Router.

If the request fails, you can ssh into the container, with the `atlantis ssh [container id]` command. (Do not
directly ssh using the "SSH Port" from get-container; your keys will not be on the container, so you will get
permission denied.)

In the container, you can examine logs in `/var/log/atlantis/app0/`; one of those file will likely have useful
information from your app telling you what's wrong.

You can also examine the dependencies passed into your app in `/etc/atlantis/config/config.json` (json_pp is
installed in containers for convenient json viewing), or do anything else you want to in your container. It's
just a Linux instance.

The Internal Router

If your application is working, the next step in the chain is the internal router. Every deployed
application/environment is automatically assigned a port, typically in the 49000 range.

You can see where the application should be available with `atlantis get-app-env-port -a [application] -e
[environment]` or in the UI. Then curl the internal-router for your region[link] at that port. It should
pass through to your application. If it does, great! The internal router is working. Continue to
troubleshooting the client.

If you get a Bad Gateway, then the router thinks there are no running containers for you
application/environment. Check the router's statusz page; router-host:8080/statusz. Find the pool
representing your application/environment/sha. If the status isn't okay, then the router isn't getting the
right Server-Status from your containers; use curl -i to make sure that /healthz returns a "Server-Status: OK"

The Client

If the client isn't working, it's probably the client's fault; just be aware that firewall rules may prevent
some connections from working.

Act 2: External Applications


The request flow for an external application is similar:

Container <- External Router <- Client

The container

This is identical to act 1.

The External Router

The external router is similar to the internal router, but ports aren't automatically assigned. Instead, each
application is assigned a trie to handle versioning, but that trie must be manually added to a trie descended
from the root true. All requests come in through port 80, and are sorted by hostname or route.

Similar to the internal router, you can check the router's[link] status page at [router]:8080/statusz. If
your services does not have status OK, troubleshoot it as in Act 1. If the app is up, check routing: if you
go to [router]:8080/[port]/path, you will see how [router]:[port]/path is routed; typically you'll want to use
port 80. Note also that most routing is host-based, so you need to connect to the router, but send the host
header for the service you want. This can be done with

curl -H 'Host: [service-host]' [router]:8080/[port]/path

This will tell you where the request is being routed. If it's not getting to your app, file a ticket to get
it set up.

Epilogue: Dependencies

Dependencies show up in /etc/atlantis/config/config.json. Note that dependencies must be both in your
manifest.toml *and* approved by the appropriate team for the environment. This duplication is so that we can
check at deploy time if all dependencies are all available (based on the manifest.toml), but resolve them at
deploy time based on the environment.

Atlantis Logging

Atlantis ingests, rotates, and backs up logs using the facilities provided by rsyslog. These logs are co-located between containers and their supervisors, such that when a container goes away, whether due to termination or error, all of it's logs are still available through the supervisor. There, the logs are categorized by origin container id, and then split up via the following hierarchy (from least to most granular):

Apps and Facilities

Since a container can be running multiple run commands, we separate these logs out when collected. These are distinguished using the various local facilities provided by syslog. Namely, the first run command, and usually the main app, is called "app0" (and subsequent apps will be app1, app2, etc), and logs to syslog facility local0. This is partially done automatically for the developer, but can also be used manually.

App Requirements

  1. The app's root must contain a manifest.toml file
  2. The app must abide by the app type's contract
  3. The app's external port must be set using the environment variable $HTTP_PORT
  4. Any additional ports required by the app must be set using the environment variables $SECONDARY_PORT1 through $SECONDARY_PORT5. These ports will be visible but will not be configurable within router.
  5. The app must not daemonize itself.
  6. The app must output all logs to standard out.
  7. The app must expose the route "/healthz" on it's $HTTP_PORT. It must return the HTTP status 200 and the header Server-Status set to OK if the app's health is ok (DEGRADED for degraded, CRITICAL for critical, and MAINTENANCE for maintenance). Any other HTTP status will be considered MAINTENANCE meaning the app will not receive any traffic. talk-62
  8. The environment variable $Atlantis will be set to "true" when your app is running within Atlantis.
  9. The app may not be required to serve both internal and external routes at the same time; the app will be available either on the external router or the internal router, but not both.
This ensures a unique service name across containers.

Internal Apps

The internal boolean in the manifest should be set to false if the app should be visible outside of ooyala. Otherwise it should be true (and subsequently will not be visible outside of ooyala).

If internal is set to false, the pool for the app will be created in the external router configs. If it is set to true, the pool for the app will be created in the internal router configs.

If internal is set to true, DNS aliases will automatically be created for the app. They will be in the following format:

        <appname>.<environment>.<zone>.<region>.atlantis.services.ooyala.com # for zone-specific routing. environment will be empty
                                                                     # if the name matches /^(prod|production)([_-]|$)/
<appname>.<environment>.<region>.atlantis.services.ooyala.com        # for region-specific routing. environment will be empty
                                                                     # if the name matches /^(prod|production)([_-]|$)/




Custom Logging

Each run command gets its own facility and folder to which it's stdout and stderr are automatically logged. If your app needs to have other logfiles than these 2 per run command, it is possible to specify up to 8 custom facilities/folders for log files, minus one for each run command, as these each use a single local facility (the first uses local0 and so on). In order to specify custom logging facilities, add a section to your manifest as below:


  name = "access"
  info = "apache.log"
  debug = "apache-debug.log"

  name = "routes"
  debug = "debug.log"
  crit = "routes.log"


Note: This example assumes that this app only has one run command, otherwise you would get an error that local1 facility is already being used by your second run command. It may be a good practice to start with local7 for your first custom logging group, and work your way down, in order to minimize the risk of collision in the case you add run commands to your app in the future.

With this in your config, your app can log to local1.info, local1.debug, local2.debug, and local2.crit and rsyslog will in addition to /var/log/atlantis/app0/std*.log create the respective files /var/log/atlantis/access/apache.log, /var/log/atlantis/access/apache-debug.log, /var/log/atlantis/routes/debug.log and /var/log/atlantis/routes/routes.log when you write to these facilities/priorities using syslog.

App Types

go1.1.2 , go1.2 , and go1.3

When using the go1.1.2, go1.2,or go1.3 app types, the contract is as follows:

  1. The app must contain a Makefile in its root with the make target package.
  2. make package should create a directory called package inside the app's root directory.
  3. If setup_command is specified, it will be run from within the app's root directory before make package is run.
  4. The run_command will be run from within the package directory, but the package directory will be moved outside of the app root. Contents of the package directory should not depend on anything outside of the package directory. Everything outside of the package directory will be removed from the container.

Example Repo: hello-go


When using the ruby1.9.3 and other upcoming ruby app types, the contract is as follows:

  1. The app must contain a Gemfile in its root. Bundler will be used to install the gems.
  2. If setup_command is specified, it will be run from within the app's root directory before bundle install is run.
  3. The run_command will be run from within the app's root directory.

Example Repo: hello-ruby and hello-ruby2


When using the python2.7.3 app type, the contract is as follows:

  1. The app must contain a requirements.txt in its root, pip will be used to install the eggs.
  2. If setup_command is specified, it will be run from within the app's root directory before bundle install is run.
  3. The run_command will be run from within the app's root directory.


When using the java1.7 app type, and scala java type the contract is as follows:

  1. The app must contain a build.sbt in its root. sbt will be used to compile the code into a jar, which will be executed.
  2. All tests for the app must pass, as the command sbt assembly will run all tests before packaging and compiling.
  3. If setup_command is specified, it will be run from within the app's root directory after sbt assembly is run. Note that sbt assembly is run outside of the container, but setup_command is run within the container.
  4. The run_command will be run from within the app's root directory.


When using the java1.7 app type, and maven java type the contract is as follows:

  1. The app must contain a pom.xml in its root. mvm will be used to compile the code into a jar, which will be executed.
  2. All tests for the app must pass, as the command mvn build will run all tests before packaging and compiling.
  3. If setup_command is specified, it will be run from within the app's root directory after mvn build is run. Note that mvn build is run outside of the container, but setup_command is run within the container.
  4. The run_command will be run from within the app's root directory.

Build Information

Some information about the build can be found within the container in the /etc/atlantis/build folder.